Friday, March 23, 2012


Haha, blog title inspired by BBJX.  :)  Finished reading the 上 part of the novel. Took me 1 whole week to read it cos I'm a bit slow with reading Chinese novels especially after HZGG. It was a damn good read, I mean, it really made me understand the drama better haha. Shall finish the 下 part asap too :)

Oh and I read the Hunger Games too. The book's kinda simple, easy to understand ( well, suit me ^^ )
Yeah but I din expect myself to finish the book that fast cos now I have to buy Catching Fire to continue my addiction for the trilogy.

Watched WICKED during the March holidays. Was an awesome musical, totally earned the high ratings. Still can't believe that the actors actually sang everything out. Always thought they will lip-sync.

The week's pretty relaxing since I've got the time to finish 2 books. Though I was still stressing out on Monday cos there was like so many things to handle. Got back some results, and I must say, I was pretty satisfied :)

Monday's a school holiday cos of the A level results. Although my parents din think it was that good. After all, my cousin topped the nation last year and everything has to be compared with her standard. But at least we have a day off :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Lols havnt thought of a suitable blog title. Maybe it'll pop up by the end of this post, I dont know, haha.

Anyways, Li Ting says I've been posting way too little. And I told her I will not post about the camp. Ok I take back my words. Gonna post a few things about this camp but not all, cos some things are better kept private. :)

It was a 2D1N camp. Such a short duration I thought almost nothing will go wrong. But it did. Was frowning the whole camp, even when I was sleeping. Only slept for 2h and I slept sitting up. Treasure hunt was the only time the year 4s had a bit of fun. Esp me haha was scaring everyone with my hair let down. Had the first successful outdoor cooking that was not affected at all by any rain. Lucky day in four years! So we had dinner which was cooked purely with just mass tins and a dying fire. Can taste ash in my food but oh well, as a starter its fine :) Accomplished and satisfied we had this outdoor cooking session. Everyone ended up all smelly and sticky and our hair were all shining with oil by the end of the day.

OH YES. I caught a shooting star! It was after firedrill when the rest went up to wash up. Was sitting on the track with the year 4s and Wen Su claimed she caught a shooting star. We all din believe it cos, who the hell catches a shooting star? That only happens in movies. Haha but I DID I DID!! It was a few min after hers I saw it zoomed past me!! But the rest din believe it too ( Look at the reason above ) urgh.

Went back home all shagged and tired. Slept for a straight 15h. Now I have CID to do and ELIT to prepare. Elit hw is kinda useless actually I think the teacher's just giving us the homework for the sake of making the holidays more miserable, like it isnt already. Oh well, holidays are ending in.. one day's time, gotta pick up myself cos its term 2 starting next week! Gosh that was fast.
